江蘇中鼎化工設備有限公司(原:無錫中鼎化工設備有限公司)--“ 錫化 ”牌注冊商標。注冊資本: 5008萬元,國內較好的新能源鋰電項目電解液裝備制造商.中國化工裝備協會第六屆/第七屆會員單位、無錫市私營個體經濟協會/第十屆理事會/副會長單位、有機硅材料期刊理事單位、無錫市科技產業創新協會 理事單位、具有對外貿易經營者備案登記證,無錫市AAA級重合同守信用企業,遠東評估銀行資信等級AAA級企業、江蘇省私營個體經濟協會第三次會員代表單位、無錫市漣水商會副會長單位。國內較好的化工成套設備制造供應商。銷售一、二、三類壓力容器及常壓化工設備。主要產品有:刮板式薄膜蒸發器、不銹鋼反應釜、旋轉刮板式薄膜蒸發器、列管冷凝器、螺旋板式換熱器、新材料生產裝備、聚酯樹脂生產裝備、多元醇生產裝備、聚醚樹脂裝備、酚醛樹脂裝備、油漆涂料生產裝備、醇酸樹脂設備、有機硅行業用的裝備、化工儲罐、蒸餾塔、旋轉刮板式薄膜蒸發器、蒸餾塔、精餾塔設備等。
江蘇中鼎化工設備有限公司:從2015年10月28日起正式啟用新標識、新商標。重啟" 錫化 "商標歷史淵源!延續" 錫化 "商標的輝煌。
2024年07月18日 中國民主建國會無錫市委員會 錫建[2024]22號 文件 正式批準:沈洪波同志為中國民主建國會會員,現已上報:民建中央委員會備案。
2024年08月16日 國家稅務總局無錫市稅務局 公布名單 江蘇中鼎化工設備有限公司 起到表率示范作用,已經連續三年獲評:A級納稅人
2024年08月06日 中鼎董事長沈洪波 在中共無錫市委黨校 參加無錫市"小個專"學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神專題培訓班。由市委社工部/市監局 主辦
2024年07月05日 無錫日報 報道:江蘇中鼎化工設備有限公司董事長沈洪波率領眾籌運營"小蜜蜂驛站"更好地服務:外賣騎手,快遞小哥,環衛工人的感人事跡.
2024年06月23日 中鼎企業 贊助支持“光大”杯2024年無錫市統一戰線慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年龍舟賽。
2023年11月30日被無錫市私營個體經濟協會/第十屆會員代表大會 選舉為:副會長/單位 同時選舉 沈洪波為 副會長。
2023年12月26日被無錫市漣水商會第一屆理事會第三次會議 增補為:副會長單位 證書號:F2023122618
2020年被 CCIEA 中國化工裝備協會正式批準為協會第六屆會員單位. 證書號:HGZB-VI-585
2021年08月中鼎企業被 CCIEA 中國化工裝備協會正式批準為協會第七屆會員單位. 證書號:HGZB-Vii-447 有效期至2026年
2021年01月中鼎榮獲:無錫市關工委 和 無錫市江南大學 "光彩"."博愛"助學二十周年 心懷大愛,無私奉獻。榮獲:特別貢獻獎。
2019年初 獲得對外貿易經營者備案登記表 備案登記編號:04139586號
2019年被 江蘇省私營個體經濟協會邀請參加省協會第三次會員代表大會。
2020年被 無錫市科技產業創新協會吸納為理事單位。
江蘇中鼎化工設備有限公司 董事長:沈洪波(中國民主建國會會員) 先生攜中鼎全體員工熱忱歡迎社會各界朋友前來洽談、合作,攜手共創美好的明天。
【Company Profile】
With a registered trademark under the “Xihua” brand, and registered capital of RMB 50.08 million, Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. (formerly named “Wuxi Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.”) is a large domestic manufacturer and supplier of complete-set chemical equipment, selling pressure vessels and atmospheric pressure chemical equipment. Its main products include stainless steel reactor, tubular condenser, spiral plate heat exchanger, chemical storage tank, distillation tower, scraper film evaporator, stainless steel packing, tower equipment and other chemical equipment.
Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in TaihuTown, WuxiCity. With a chemical equipment manufacturing history of more than 30 years, the town is famous for its chemical equipment manufacturing, enjoying unique geographical location and convenient transportation and logistics.
On October 28, 2015, Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. officially started to use its new logo and new trademark, restarted the historical origin of “Xihua” trademark, and extended the brilliance of the "Xihua" trademark. In 2018, the company was awarded by the Wuxi Municipal People's Government the honorary title of “An AAA enterprise honoring contracts and keeping promises in Wuxi”, with the certificate number of WX-BH- [2018]-NO.0022.
With the quality policy of “continuously meeting and exceeding customer demand through continuous improvement”, Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. has established a perfect system of quality control and management,The company has been continuously improving its product quality and management. In addition, the company has passed the bank credit rating AAA appraisal of Jiangsu Far East International Appraisal &Consultation Co., Ltd., with the certificate number of 3288010014.
Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing and supplying chemical containers, unsaturated polyester resin equipment, phenolic resin reaction kettles, stainless steel reaction kettles, electric heating reaction kettles, steam heating reaction kettles, tubular condensers, spiral plate heat exchangers, scraper film evaporators, chemical storage tanks, alcohol recovery towers, distillation towers, packing towers, stainless steel corrugated packing and other chemical complete-set equipment.
Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. has established a long-term cooperation relationship with domestic scientific research institutes. With the idea of "no best, only better", the company has been carrying out individualized product manufacturing according to different products and different processes by giving full play to the professional skills and innovation ability of all the staff of Zhongding and applying computer aided systems (CAD,3D3S,SW6), so as to meet customers’ product demands.
Enterprise aim: “winning respect with quality, acquiring dignity with credit”
As the board chairman of Jiangsu Zhongding Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd., Mr. Shen Hongbo hereby warmly welcomes friends from walks of life to the company for negotiation and cooperation, so as to co-create a brilliant future hand in hand!
董事長:沈洪波 先生